Archive for the ‘Linux’ Category

Update Open Office 3.0 pada OpenSUSE 11.0

September 19, 2008

Akhir pekan kemarin (12 Sept 2008) saya melakukan update Open Office versi 2.4 yang dibawa oleh openSUSE 11.0 menjadi Open Office versi 3.0 RC 1. Saya memakai Open Office untuk keperluan sehari-hari, mulai dari membuat artikel, menulis laporan dan rencana kerja hingga untuk melakukan pencatatan. Meski masih RC, saya puas dengan Open Office 3.0 karena jauh lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan versi 2.4.

Bagi rekan-rekan yang menggunakan openSUSE, berikut adalah cara mengupdate Open Office secara online :

– Melalui Konsole

  1. Buka konsole (ALT+F2, konsole)
  2. Tambahkan repo Open Office : zypper sa OpenOffice
  3. Refresh Repo : zypper ref
  4. Update : zypper up -t package

– Melalui GUI

  1. Buka YAST | Software | Software Repositories
  2. Tambahkan Repo htpp dengan alamat server : dan alamat directory on server : /pub/opensuse/repositories/

  3. Update melalui YAST | Software |Software Management (Klik kanan pada software open office dan pilih update)

Keuntungan & Tips Implementasi Mail Server

September 19, 2008

Implementasi mail server adalah opsi pertama yang saya sampaikan jika ada perusahaan yang bertanya, apa solusi penggunaan IT yang mudah, murah dan cepat yang menghasilkan benefit yang maksimal. Meski demikian, saya masih menemukan banyak perusahaan yang belum memiliki mail server, bahkan alamat email resminya masih menggunakan alamat email gratisan.

Saya tentu saja tidak bermaksud dan tidak dalam posisi melakukan dikotomi antara layanan email gratis dengan email berbayar, karena banyak penyedia layanan email gratis yang berkualitas. Saya menyayangkan perusahaan atau instansi atau lembaga menggunakan email gratis karena beberapa hal, antara lain :

  • Branding. Dari sisi merk dan identitas, penggunaan nama domain resmi akan jauh lebih berharga dan lebih memperkuat citra perusahaan. Silakan bandingkan sisi branding dari account email dengan Mana yang lebih kuat ? Tentu saja jauh lebih kuat brandingnya dibandingkan alamat email yang pertama (dengan segala hormat pada Mitsubishi, merk mobil favorit keluarga isteri saya karena bapak mertua saya bekerja pada PT. Mitsubishi selama puluhan tahun -) )
  • Mencegah penyalahgunaan. Dalam hal ini, Detektif Ryo Saeba memiliki statistik yang lengkap. Banyak email penipuan yang mengatas namakan perusahaan tertentu. Misalnya,, bisa saja digunakan oleh penipu yang bertindak seolah-olah sebagai bagian HRD PT. Unilever. Mengapa hrd ? Karena banyak para penipu yang mencari korban melalui email dan pengumuman lowongan kerja.
  • Kemudahan Penanganan & Backup. Email resmi yang dikelola oleh perusahaan jauh lebih mudah penanganannya. Kalau ada email tidak sampai, atau ada email yang bermasalah, kita dapat dengan mudah menelusurinya. Kita juga dapat dengan mudah menambah account dan menambah feature (anti spam, anti virus, task management dll) tanpa harus mengeluarkan biaya tambahan.
  • Meningkatkan mobilitas. Email yang dikelola sendiri dapat dibuat menggunakan IP Publik sehingga dapat diakses dari luar kantor.

Meski ada banyak keuntungan, cukup banyak perusahaan atau lembaga atau instansi yang belum memiliki email server dengan berbagai pertimbangan. Bisa karena merasa belum butuh, merasa takut mengalami kesulitan sewaktu proses setup, merasa sudah cukup dengan email yang ada sekarang atau juga merasa takut biayanya mahal. Apakah benar demikian ? Penjelasan berikut saya sarikan dari pengalaman saya pribadi, saya alami sendiri sehingga saya bisa melakukan verifikasi atas kebenarannya ;-)

Q : Katanya, email server dengan domain sendiri biayanya mahal. Mesti beli domain dan sewa hosting. Ada juga perusahaan yang menyediakan email account dengan biaya langganan per account mulai dari Rp. 20.000,- per bulan. Kalau punya 100 account berarti pengeluaran mencapai RP. 2.000.000,- per bulan. Apakah benar ?

A : Tidak benar ! Harga domain .com itu antara Rp. 80.000,- hingga paling mahal Rp. 200.000,- per tahun. Ingat, per tahun, bukan per bulan. Kalau kita melakukan setup email server sendiri, kita tidak perlu menyewa hosting dengan kapasitas besar, karena email bisa langsung mengarah ke email server kita. Kalaupun masih menggunakan ISP, kapasitas 50-100 MB masih cukup karena kita dapat secara periodik melakukan fetching (penarikan) email dari ISP ke email server lokal. Jika itu masih kurang, kita bisa melakukan setup agar email server menggunakan layanan Google Apps. Google Apps adalah layanan gratis dari Google yang memberikan free hosting bagi email server kita dengan account mencapai 500 account yang masing-masing berkapasitas 6 GB. Google Apps juga menggunakan seluruh feature Gmail sehingga kita dapat memanfaatkan fasilitas anti spam Gmail yang poweful.

Berikut adalah estimasi biaya untuk email server :

  • Biaya domain, antara Rp. 80.000 hingga Rp. 200.000,- per tahun (tergantung nama domain)
  • Biaya hosting (jika pakai ISP), antara Rp. 25.000 hingga Rp. 100.000,- untuk email account antara 0-100 account
  • Biaya setup / konsultansi, tergantung negosiasi -)

Q : Katanya biaya lisensi email server mahal

A : Benar dan Salah ! Benar mahal jika menggunakan email server propietary / komersil, namun murah (bahkan gratis) jika menggunakan email server open source. Zimbra mail server, Hmail server, Sendmail, Postfix dan Qmail adalah contoh email server yang gratis namun powerful
Q : Katanya email server gratis = kurang berkualitas ? Katanya, “Murah kok ndjaluk slamet” -P

A : Tidak benar. Open source memang tidak sama dengan gratis, meski sebagian besar email server open source itu gratis. Beda dengan baju gratis atau sembako gratis atau sarung gratis, email server open source digratiskan karena merupakan hasil karya cipta sebuah komunitas sehingga tidak ada satu pihak yang mengenakan biaya lisensinya. Bisa juga karena pembuatnya merupakan aktivis FOSS (Free & Open Source Software) dan dia melisensikan hasil karyanya dengan gratis agar lebih banyak orang yang bisa pakai. Sebagai informasi, sebagian besar email server yang digunakan di internet adalah email server open source.

Q : Katanya setup email server sendiri bisa memakan waktu yang lama sehingga mengganggu operasional sehari-hari

A : Tidak benar. Pengalaman saya, setup 100 account email server Zimbra berikut instalasi distro Linux openSUSE hanya memakan waktu lk 1 jam. Jika ditambah dengan setup account dan konfigurasi email client (jika tidak menggunakan webmail) total jenderal hanya memakan waktu 4 jam. Sial-sialnya adalah 1 hari. Kalaupun ada sekian ratus email account, tidak akan memakan waktu lebih dari 2 hari, kecuali email accountnya ribuan dan ada permintaan khusus untuk melakukan backup email yang sudah ada.

Q : Katanya kalau menggunakan email server berbasis Linux harus mengubah komputer klien juga ya. Gimana dong kalau sebagian besar sistem di klien menggunakan Windows ?

A : Tidak benar. Email server bisa berbasis Linux namun tetap dapat digunakan oleh workstation berbasis Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Unix atau Mac. Email server bicara dalam standard protokol, misalnya untuk menerima email dari server, server menyediakan service protokol POP3 dan workstation menggunakan protokol yang sama.

Q : Ini bukan katanya. Ini pertanyaan beneran dari saya, apakah email server bisa digabung dengan server lain, misalnya dengan proxy atau file server ?

A : Bisa. Tak masalah. Pertimbangkan saja jumlah account yang mengakses. Kalau relatif sedikit (misalnya 1-200 account), digabung dengan yang lain tak masalah
Q : Ini juga bukan katanya. Apakah email server dan domain harus selalu mengakses internet ? Kalau saya hanya ingin pakai buat email-emailan internal kantor apakah harus beli domain dan setup hosting dulu ?

A : Tidak. Tidak perlu. Kalau hanya digunakan untuk email lokal antar bagian atau sesama rekan kerja dalam 1 LAN tidak perlu domain resmi. Domain palsu juga bisa digunakan
Q: Katanya setup email server susah ya ? Ada teman yang bilang, setting email server itu seperti nightmare (mimpi buruk) bagi network administrator.

A : Ah, jangan percaya katanya. Orang belajar otodidak bisa setup dalam 1 hari. Orang training bisa setup dalam waktu 2 jam. Susah itu soal mindset, soal asumsi, soal pemikiran. Kalau otaknya bilang susah ya tentu bisa susah tapi kalau soal gampang, yang susah juga bisa ditemukan solusinya.
FAQ diatas memang belum lengkap tapi minimal menjawab keraguan dan mempertebal keyakinan rekan-rekan yang ingin melakukan implementasi mail server dikantornya.

Iklan Terkait (jangan diklik kalau sebel sama iklan, karena ini iklan beneran -D ) :

  1. Training Zimbra di Excellent Infotama Kreasindo
  2. Zimbra Email Server & Tutorial + Auto Install Script

History Of Linux

September 19, 2008

DISCLAIMER : This article taken from Known sources belong to their respective authors. All trademarks belong to the respective corporations and companies. If violated your license or your copyrights, please do not hesitate to contact [vavai] [at] []. Please click original source for an update article.

a. In The Beginning

It was 1991, and the ruthless agonies of the cold war were gradually coming to an end. There was an air of peace and tranquility that prevailed in the horizon. In the field of computing, a great future seemed to be in the offing, as powerful hardware pushed the limits of the computers beyond what anyone expected.

But still, something was missing.

And it was the none other than the Operating Systems, where a great void seemed to have appeared.

For one thing, DOS was still reigning supreme in its vast empire of personal computers. Bought by Bill Gates from a Seattle hacker for $50,000, the bare bones operating system had sneaked into every corner of the world by virtue of a clever marketing strategy. PC users had no other choice. Apple Macs were better, but with astronomical prices that nobody could afford, they remained a horizon away from the eager millions.
The other dedicated camp of computing was the Unixworld. But Unix itself was far more expensive. In quest of big money, the Unix vendors priced it high enough to ensure small PC users stayed away from it. The source code of Unix, once taught in universities courtesy of Bell Labs, was now cautiously guarded and not published publicly. To add to the frustration of PC users worldwide, the big players in the software market failed to provide an efficient solution to this problem.

A solution seemed to appear in form of MINIX. It was written from scratch by Andrew S. Tanenbaum, a US-born Dutch professor who wanted to teach his students the inner workings of a real operating system. It was designed to run on the Intel 8086 microprocessors that had flooded the world market.

As an operating system, MINIX was not a superb one. But it had the advantage that the source code was available. Anyone who happened to get the book ‘Operating Systems: Design and Implementation’ by Tanenbaum could get hold of the 12,000 lines of code, written in C and assembly language. For the first time, an aspiring programmer or hacker could read the source codes of the operating system, which to that time the software vendors had guarded vigorously. A superb author, Tanenbaum captivated the brightest minds of computer science with the elaborate and immaculately lively discussion of the art of creating a working operating system. Students of Computer Science all over the world pored over the book, reading through the codes to understand the very system that runs their computer.

And one of them was Linus Torvalds.

Download complete history…

Pengetahuan Sejarah Linux

September 19, 2008

Jakarta, 19 September 2008 – Yohanes Dwi Anggoro

Artikel ini saya dapatkan tanpa ada author maupun sumbernya. Jika anda merasa sebagai pembuatnya, silakan kirim pesan kepada [vavai] [at] [vavai] [.com] agar bisa saya tambahkan disclaimer dan referensinya.

Artikel mengenai sejarah Linux dalam bahasa Indonesia dapat didownload pada Link ini. Secara garis besar, artikel singkat ini menguraikan penjelasan mengenai Linux dari kacamata pengguna yang masih asing pada Linux.

SuSE Linux History

September 19, 2008

[DISCLAIMER : Story came from SuSE Linux 10 Bible by Justin Davies, Rogger Whittaker and William von Haggen, Wiley Publishing inc, Copyright © 2006 by Wiley Publishing, Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana]

So, you’re a big fans of SuSE Linux ? it’s an interesting history behind your favorite distro -D.

SUSE is the oldest existing commercial distribution of Linux. The company was founded in 1992 near Nuremberg in Germany. The first release of a Linux distribution by SUSE was early in 1994.

A very frequently asked question is “What does SUSE stand for?” SUSE is a German acronym for Software und System Entwicklung or Software and System Development (not a terribly original or gripping name for a software company). However, the full name is never used; the company has been known as SUSE since the earliest days. More accurately, the company has been known as S.u.S.E., then as SuSE, and now SUSE as the marketing people gradually got to work on the corporate image of the company. In what follows, for simplicity we use the current form, SUSE, at the risk of anachronism.

The company was founded on September 2, 1992. The founders were Roland Dyroff, Thomas Fehr, Burchard Steinbild, and Hubert Mantel, all in their mid-twenties at the time. Three of the founders were still at University studying mathematics: Thomas Fehr had already graduated and was working as a software engineer. The original intention was that the company would do consulting work and software development for clients; according to Hubert Mantel’s account, this did not work out very well as work was in short supply, and after a while the group had the idea of distributing Linux. Initially the company distributed a version of Linux called SLS (Soft Landing Systems). Later they switched to Slackware, producing a German-language version
in cooperation with Slackware’s founder, Patrick Volkerding.

According to the recollections of Bodo Bauer (one of the very earliest SUSE employees), the SUSE people decided that rather than constantly fixing bugs in Slackware before shipping their translated and enhanced version, it would be better to produce their own distribution. They also felt the lack of a good installation and configuration tool in Slackware. The result was that SUSE took Florian LaRoche’s Jurix distribution as a starting point and began to develop YaST. (Florian also joined the SUSE team.)

The first true SUSE distribution was released in May 1996 and was numbered 4.2 (an intentional reference to the use of the number 42 in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams).

At the time that early versions of Red Hat (and Red Hat clones) were ubiquitous in the United States, SUSE Linux gained popularity in Europe. SUSE became a worldwide company with the establishment of offices in the United States (1997) and in the United Kingdom (1999).

SUSE never attempted an IPO, although there were rumors that this would happen at one stage. Instead, the company went through a number of rounds of funding from venture capitalist and industry sources. Over-optimism and too rapid an expansion led to a point in 2001 when the company was forced to downsize significantly to survive. After that time, stricter financial discipline, the release of the enterprise versions, and the growing uptake of Linux by business put the company on a sound footing. With the takeover by Novell in 2003, the investors recouped their investment, while the market’s approval became very clear in the dramatic and sustained rise in Novell’s stock following the announcement.

Originally SUSE provided one product (simply known as S.u.S.E. Linux), which was released about three times a year and was available for the x86 platform only. The current SUSE Professional is the direct descendant of this, and the current version number of 10.0 is one of a series that goes back to the original 4.2. In 2000, the SUSE offering was split into Professional and Personal versions, and versions for other hardware platforms (Alpha, Sparc, and PPC) were released.

The following year, SUSE released the Enterprise Server 7 version, and in due course, versions of Enterprise Server for IA64 (Itanium), PPC (intended for the IBM iSeries and pSeries), S/390, and zSeries were released. SUSE developed powerful tools to aid in the process of porting Linux to other platforms, and there was close collaboration with IBM in the production of versions for the PPC-based iSeries and pSeries and for the S/390 and zSeries mainframes. SUSE also worked with AMD on the development of a version for the Hammer chip (now known as the Opteron and Athlon 64).

The story goes that an entire distribution for this architecture was completed and tested using emulation before AMD had any hardware to offer; when the first machine arrived at SUSE from AMD, the installation CD booted and installed flawlessly. SUSE uses a system known as AutoBuild that takes the same source code for all packages and builds the distribution for all platforms from it. This ensures a high degree of compatibility between versions on different platforms and is one of the key advantages of the SUSE Enterprise Server.

SUSE also released a series of mail server products leading up to the SUSE Linux OpenExchange Server 4, a mail and groupware server allowing integration with popular desktop clients, including Outlook and, hence, becoming a competitor to Microsoft Exchange Server. OpenExchange was developed jointly by SUSE and Netline, who wrote the groupware element. This has now been released as a separate product under the GPL, and can be run on other Linux versions as well as SUSE.

Enterprise Server 7 was succeeded by Enterprise Server 8 (available on x86, IA64, AMD64, iSeries, pSeries, and zSeries) in November 2002.

Prior to the release of Enterprise Server 8 (in November 2002), the UnitedLinux consortium was established, with SUSE, Connectiva, Turbolinux, and SCO as members. UnitedLinux was an agreed core, developed by SUSE for enterprise distributions to be issued by the other vendors in the consortium. Following the defection of SCO from the Linux community and its extraordinary decision to take legal actions against IBM and Linux distributors and users, the UnitedLinux consortium lost its importance and is now only of historical interest.

Enterprise Server 8 was followed by Enterprise Server 9 in August 2004, continuing a pattern of Enterprise releases separated by less than two years. These releases overlap each other in time: the full life cycle of each enterprise release is five years from initial release until the final end of support and maintenance, which means that at any one time there are two fully supported versions of the Enterprise Server, one of which is approaching its end of life. The next version in the Enterprise Server line is expected to be released in the first quarter of 2006.

March 2005 saw the release of the Novell Open Enterprise Server (based on SLES 9), marking the fulfillment of Novell’s intention of integrating its NetWare product with Linux: the Open Enterprise Server makes NetWare’s core functionality a service running on Linux rather than an operating system in itself and provides versions of Novell’s directory services and management software on top of this platform.

In the early days, SUSE appeared to be simply one of a large number of Linux distributions. However, unlike many of the other distributions, SUSE had a developer team of real quality and strength in numbers. This fact was not lost on IBM when they increasingly cooperated with SUSE in development work for their high-end platforms, and it gradually became apparent that there were really only two Linux companies that really mattered—namely, SUSE and Red Hat.

Historically, however, there were some differences between the two companie’s philosophies. Both Red Hat and SUSE provided boxed versions of their consumer version for sale. Red Hat offered ISO images identical to the CDs in the boxed product for download; SUSE did not, but allowed an FTP installation. SUSE somewhat controversially placed a licensing restriction on the redistribution of the YaST installation and administration tool; while the source remained open, it was not permissible to redistribute YaST on media offered for sale. This prevented a proliferation of SUSE clones in the way that there were numerous Linux distributions “based on Red Hat.

Since the takeover of SUSE by Novell, however, the YaST license has been changed to the GPL, and more recently ISO images have been made available by FTP. Both these changes can be seen as signs of Novell’s confidence in SUSE’s leading place in the Linux market.

SUSE made a clearer distinction between the company’s enterprise and consumer versions than Red Hat did. Red Hat was already offering a commercial software maintenance and support system on its boxed product (Red Hat 7.x, 8.x, and so on) when it introduced its enterprise versions (Advanced Server and Enterprise Server). Its subsequent withdrawal of all support for the boxed versions was something of a PR disaster for Red Hat and left many commercial users feeling very dissatisfied and looking for other options. A considerable proportion of these users migrated at that time to SUSE.

Instalasi SuSE Linux Melalui Jaringan

September 19, 2008

Jakarta, 19 September 2008 – Yohanes Dwi Anggoro

Instalasi sistem Linux melalui jaringan memiliki banyak manfaat, diantaranya :

1.Bisa dilakukan secara bersama-sama
2.Tidak ada beban masalah kerusakan CD / DVD
3.Kecepatan akses tinggi dan konstan
4.Tidak memerlukan CD / DVD saat instalasi
5.Selesai install, setting sumber instalasi dapat langsung diakses dan digunakan dalam melakukan update, sehingga tidak perlu mencari-cari CD/DVD.

Proses instalasi melalui jaringan menggunakan distro Linux OpenSuSE sangat mudah dan tidak memerlukan konfigurasi yang rumit. Yang diperlukan hanyalah koneksi jaringan yang baik dan CD/DVD SuSE Linux plus CDROM/DVD ROM untuk copy master sumber saat pertama kali.

Ada berbagai metode instalasi jaringan untuk SuSE Linux, diantaranya bisa menggunakan modus http, ftp, samba, nfs dan lain-lain. Untuk kali ini kita akan menggunakan NFS karena proses setupnya tidak sulit dan tidak memerlukan file tambahan macam-macam..

Sebelum dapat digunakan untuk instalasi jaringan, kita harus melakukan instalasi Linux yang akan bertindak sebagai NFS Server. Bisa saja NFS Server menggunakan sistem Linux lain yang sudah ada. Jika ini yang terjadi, kita hanya perlu mengetahui alamat IP dan lokasi data NFS. Contoh dalam tutorial ini berasumsi belum membuat NFS Server.

Silakan download tutorial dari Link ini. Note : Artikel ini saya kirimkan ke IKC.

OpenSUSE Live CD Installer

September 19, 2008

Fasilitas yang menarik ! James Willcox memberikan kabar menarik mengenai OpenSUSE LiveCD Installer.

It’s still in early development and has lots of hacks to make things work, but it does manage to install a working system onto your machine. The installation itself is really pretty simple. The LiveCD data is in a compressed squashfs image on the CD, and the installer just copies all of that to the disk. Then it just writes out an fstab, installs grub, etc.

As usual, however, the devil is in the details. Things like sound and video card detection are normally done by the YaST installer, so other methods must be used. It might be possible to invoke the relevant bits of YaST from the LiveCD installer to achieve the same effect, but I haven’t looked into it yet. I have everything checked into svn (svn://, so if you want to try and build a CD everything is there. I will also upload an ISO soonish.

OpenSUSE LiveCD Installer dapat didownload dari link berikut ini. Basisnya adalah OpenSUSE 10.3 Alpha 5

Panduan Instalasi OpenSUSE 10.3 dan 10.2

September 19, 2008

opensuse-logoInstalasi distro Linux modern seperti OpenSUSE 10.3 maupun distro-distro terbaru lainnya saat ini sudah sangat mudah. Dalam beberapa distro, kita hanya perlu melakukan klik OK dan Next saja ;-).

Meski sudah sangat mudah, adanya panduan mengenai instalasi, apalagi yang disertai dengan berbagai keterangan tambahan tentu saja tidak akan ditolak -).

Bagi rekan-rekan yang ingin mencoba OpenSUSE, rekan Galih Satria membuat panduan instalasi OpenSUSE 10.3 yang dilengkapi dengan glosarium, yaitu catatan untuk berbagai hal yang menjadi keterangan tambahan pada tiap tahapan instalasi.

Silakan download panduannya melalui link ini atau membaca pengantarnya pada posting blog terkait.

Catatan :

1. Panduan tersebut akan segera diupload ke website Komunitas OpenSUSE Indonesia

2. Panduan lain yang dibuat untuk OpenSUSE 10.2 dan tetap relevan pada OpenSUSE 10.3 (OpenSUSE 10.3 mengurangi jumlah tahapan proses instalasi pada OpenSUSE 10.2) dapat didownload pada link ini.

Rilis Zencafe 1.4

September 19, 2008

A Hardiena mengumumkan rilis terbaru Zencafe, distro Linux yang didesain khusus untuk warnet. Zencafe versi 1.4 dibangun dari sumber distro Zenwalk dengan kernel

Sebagai distro yang didesain untuk warnet, Zencafe memuat berbagai aplikasi yang secara umum dibutuhkan pada komputer yang dipergunakan oleh para pengunjung warnet. Padanan aplikasi semacam Yahoo Messenger dengan dukungan webcam, IRC, multimedia, browser dan lain sebagainya sudah dipaketkan secara out of the box.

Karena positioning yang jelas (khusus untuk warnet, meski bisa juga digunakan untuk perkantoran), ringan, mudah digunakan dan didukung oleh AWALI (Asosiasi Warnet Linux & Open Source Indonesia), saat ini Zencafe menjadi satu-satunya distro yang paling sesuai untuk dipergunakan oleh Warnet. Disto Pinux juga cukup populer namun pengembangannya saat ini terhenti.

Ingin membeli CD Zencafe ? Klik disini…

Rilis Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron

September 19, 2008

Sesuai dengan rencana, tanggal 24 April 2008 merilis versi terbaru dari Ubuntu, yaitu versi 8.04 yang diluncurkan dengan dukungan LTS (Long Term Support) selama 3 tahun. Bayangkan, sistem operasi gratis yang bebas dipakai disupport hingga 3 tahun lamanya…

Saya sendiri mantan pemakai Ubuntu sewaktu masih versi 5.04 dan 5.10. Rilis Ubuntu yang terjadwal dan dukungan support dari komunitasnya membuat Ubuntu menjadi salah satu pilihan menarik bagi rekan-rekan yang ingin migrasi sistem dari Windows ke Linux.

Bagi rekan-rekan pengguna Ubuntu yang ingin menggunakan versi 8.04, silakan membaca release notes yang mendeskripsikan feature-feature dari Ubuntu 8.04. Release notes yang disertai beberapa screenshot feature 8.04 dapat dibaca

Server Kambing sudah menyediakan iso CD Ubuntu, baik Ubuntu, Kubuntu maupun Edubuntu. Saat tadi pagi melakukan download iso, saya bisa mendownload keseluruhan iso dalam waktu lk 1 jam. Termasuk cepat entah karena sedikit yang mendownload atau karena saya mendownload dipagi buta, hehehe… Berikut adalah link iso CD di Kambing : Ubuntu, Kubuntu atau Edubuntu

Continue reading “Rilis Ubuntu 8.04 Hardy Heron”